Friday, August 24, 2012

Behm Canal and Misty Fjords

Monday August 20 - Friday August 24, 2012

The Behm Canal and Misty Fjords are behind Ketchikan, between Revillagigedo Island and the mainland. Everyone told us that it is like Yosemite, the California national park famous for its sheer granite walls and domes.

As we entered the canal, we saw an accumulation of military boats and a spot on the chart labeled "Restricted Military Area". In Georgia Strait, there is a military area labeled WG (Whiskey Gulf in the radio alphabet); the weather forecast indicates if Whiskey Gulf is inactive and therefore, safe to transit. We had heard nothing. An inflatable with 4 seriously big guys with guns was on our right. A surfaced submarine between two huge barges with lights were on our left. We slowed down and discussed what to do. We radioed the inflatable; they told us to stay 1000 yards from the barges and we'd be ok.
Rapids into Naha Lagoon
Soon after, a coast guard boat (without mounted machine gun) came along side. "Have you been boarded by the coast guard?" "No." "Just keep going." The spokesman mumbled into the radio. "Have you reported your entry into Alaskan ports?" "Yes. We phoned in this morning." More mumbling. "Ok. You can go."

Then we had to slalom through about 15 trollers. Enough excitement for one day!

Anchored in front of the rapids to Naha Lagoon. Very deep and anchor didn't want to hold on the first two attempts. We went for a hike along the lagoon and to the rapids.

Fish for Chocolate, Anyone?
Sport fishermen tied up at the dock. Urs went over with Lindt chocolate and came back with half a coho (silver) and three pieces of halibut. Win win!!
Walker Cove
We found a very deep anchorage in Fitzgibbons Cove. Again, a deep anchorage and 2 tries before the anchor set.

Walker Cove was our favorite. Spectacular steep, glacier scraped walls; waterfalls.
At the far end of Walker Cove
Punchbowl also had a steep wall. It is very popular with the cruise ship passengers from Ketchikan. There must have been 6 float planes landing in an hour. 
At Shoalwater Pass, we tied up to the Forest Service buoy. On the chart, the buoy was on top of the shallows. Urs reassured me by circling the buoy before we tied up. I saw eel grass and two floats. We decided to put down our crab trap despite the rain. 7 crabs in the morning!!

Our last anchorage in Alaska is probably Foggy Bay. We may decide to stop at an anchorage east of Cape Fox. But the weather is supposed to be good tomorrow.

We'll stay a couple of days in Prince Rupert and head south without too many side trips. From now on, I probably won't update the blog regularly.

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